"The Living Specialist"
We are a living specialty manufacturer that specializes in developing and manufacturing living furniture.
Living in any age and with the family, we believe that the furniture must be able to stay close to the family's life for as long as 10 or 20 years. It is because we want you to use really good furniture that revolves around your lifestyle with high quality materials such as natural wood solid wood and veneers. We are particular about the comfortable feeling such as the simple modern design which are user-friendly.
“The furniture in the living room is mobile.” We are researching and developing living furniture to cater for you and your family.
“Meuble” is a French word for furniture and furnishings.
Meuble was born more than 30 years ago as a manufacturer of wooden furniture in Okawa, which was called the city of furniture in Japan.
どんな年齢でも家族と一緒に暮らすには、家具は10年から20年の間家族の生活の近くにとどまることができなければならないと考えています。 天然木の無垢材やベニヤなどの高品質の素材であなたのライフスタイルを中心に展開する本当に良い家具を使用してほしいからです。 ユーザーフレンドリーなシンプルモダンデザインなどの心地よさにこだわっています。